Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Democracy in Malaysia

Malaysia is a peaceful country which are located near in between of Singapore and Thailand. it consist of thirteen states and three federal territories, the capital cities of Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur while Putrajaya is the site of Malaysian administration. 
the heart of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur

This country is multi-ethnic and multi-cultural country. The constitution declares Islam as official religion while protecting the freedom of religion. Malaysia practices Democracy in order to choose the leader which is our main focus now.

Democracy is a system which the supreme power is chosen by election. The government is for only after an election process, which the people choose their representatives who will become members of parliament. Malaysia has been adopting democracy system since independence even though the people of the country have had experience in election since 1952.

Benefits of Parliamentary Democracy in Malaysia

1) The Government has also launched the New Economy Policy (NEP)
2) The Government has also encouraged economics activities which will produce more jobs and improve skills.
3)The Government  has also encouraged the involvement of the private sector to accelerate the economic development of the country.
4) Education is a great concern for the Government
5) Facilities provided by the Government are used to fulfill the hopes and aspirations.


Election is a process of expressing one's political choice through ballot box. It is used to choose leaders and to settle various issues. through elections, voters can choose candidates or representatives who will help them to solve issues within the community. It can be held within any organizations, private or public companies, or trade unions to choose representatives, or to solve particular problem about the corporate policies or government institutions.

The Ballot Box

Function of Elections

1) To form a Democratic government
2) To ensure continuity of national leadership
3) Choose candidates for top government positions
4) Stabilize and legitimatize an organization or political community.

3 Types of Elections

1) Primary Election
2) Run Off Election
3) Local Election

Qualification of Voters

Eligible Candidate
  1. Malaysian Citizen who lives in Malaysia
  2. Older than 21 years old on the day the candidates are named
  3. Lives in whichever state she/he wishes to contest
Uneligible Candidates 
  1. Insane
  2. Declared as bankrupt
  3. holds any office of profit
  4. fails to submit report of election expenses
  5. has been found guilty by a court in Malaysia and sentenced to be imprisont for a term of not less than one year or fined RM 2,000 and has not been pardoned
  6. Obtained foreign citizenship

Elections for the House Representatives and State Assembly are held once every five years, unless they have been disbanded earlier. The general elections are held 60 days after the date of dissolution.
Smaller election are also held 60 days after a seat has been vacated, either due to deathresignations, or disqualification of the candidates
For more information of Elections in Malaysia click here.

Practicing parliamentary democracy is beneficial to the people of this country. Since its inception, it has managed to create political stability, peace and prosperity. Through a parliamentary democracy, the existence of constitutional monarchy maintains the ruling traditions of the country. The people government is chosen by the people and must win the heart of the people, not be biased against minority group as this would cause the government to lose support in the future.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Dewan Negara

National Hall - Dewan Negara

  • National hall or Dewan Negara in Malay language is an upper house of the parliament in Malaysia which consist of 70 senators, 26 senators are elected by the state legislative assemblies
  • the 26 senators that has been elected by the state legislative assemblies have 2 senators for each federations while 44 others are appointed by Yang di-pertuan Agong (YDPA ) of whom four senators are appointed to represent the federal territories. 
  • The establishment of dewan negara is to revise and pass the legal framework that has been established by the dewan rakyat.
  • Both of dewan negara and dewan rakyat have to pass the law structure that has been done before it will be send to Yang di-Pertuan Agong. 
  • National hall is leaded by the Yang di-pertuan Agong where only members that have be registered can enter the hall. 
  • YDPA is assisted by Deputy Yang Dipertua (YDP) and a dewan secretary.
  •  All members is known as senators and it consist 70 members in it.


Membership - Keahlian 

  • The individual must be able to achieve distinction in career, business, industry, agriculture, cultural activities or social service representative in minority communities or capable of representing the interests of indigenous. 
  • Each of the 13 state legislative assemblies elect two Senators
  • The term of office is three years and senators can only be selected once, consecutive or not. 
  • Yang Di-Pertuan Agong appoints two senators to the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, and another in the Federal Territory of Labuan under the advice of the Prime Minister. 44 other senators, does not refer to the state, appointed by the Sultan, also on the advice of the Prime Minister. 
  • To qualify, candidates must be a citizen of the Federation, must not be bankrupt by order of any foreign state, must not receive a prison sentence of one year or more, and must not be sued  RM2,000 or more. 
  • The holder of the position of making a full-time interest in public service are not eligible. There is no need to belong to a political party. 
  • Parliament is allowed to increase the number of Senators to a three-state, reduce the number, or eliminate specific positions for the entire state Senator and provisions that senators elected by direct vote of electors state. appointment process set forth in Article 45 of the Constitution. 
  • The senate does not feel any effect of the election as the lower house of a parliament. They will continue in office despite the dissolution of the house of representatives for an election. 
  • The senators will vote one president to lead as the senators to ensure the observations from the house rules and interpret the orders. 
  • Besides that, to be eligible members the senators need to age not more than 30 years old and originally is a malaysian citizen. The members also have to be clean in crimes sectors and not affected by dissolution of the parliament. 

Sulatan Abdul Halim Muazam Shah 

Peranan Dewan Negara (Roles of Dewan Negara)

  • One of the roles of the dewan negara is to discuss and pass bills that have been passed by the dewan rakyat. Dewan negara need to discuss and pass the bills before it will be send to Yang di-Pertuan Agong and dewan negara doesn't have any power to reject the bill presented to it. they only have a power to delay in passing the bills for a month and period of time if it does not agree with them.